sábado, 16 de março de 2013

Very Simple Reflections About the Importance of the Information

As we can see in this video, information is at the beginning and at the end of everything:
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bow4nnh1Wv0 (go to this point:  1:08:30)
The panelists agree that the universe is a sort of information generator.

Then if information is so central to everything, can I use information to do anything I want (or to achieve any goal I desire)? To become a very rich man, for example (in terms of money)?
Let's assume that I could pay the maximum attention to all information in the Universe (I would therefore be a omniscient being).

 The answer could be: in theory yes, but there are limitations inherent to our human condition that prevents us from accessing that information. Limitations of all kinds: our desire, rationality, form, perception, persistence etc.
[One interesting thing is that I put "desire" as the first drive. That could mean that it is enough to desire something to have it happen (self-help would be a reality!?)].

Thinking in terms of legal entities, a more correct answer could be: it simply means that if one does not pay attention to the maximum information possible, the competitors will, and then they will be more successful, regarding goals.

In summary, I think that in the past, when we didn't have all the information we have today, the information itself was less important. Because very few people had it available anyway. Now that almost everyone can have the information they want or need, not having access to it is something that becomes very problematic.

domingo, 10 de março de 2013

Sandra Elflein canta "Sehnsucht" (saudade), poema de Schiller

Eu poderia deste sombrio vale partir,
Onde a névoa paira fortemente,
Planar para alguma esfera mais feliz,
Ah! quão feliz eu seria!
Colinas distantes a encantar minha visão,
Sempre jovem e sempre justo;
Para aqueles montes eu voaria
Se tivesse asas para escalar o ar.

Harmonias meu ouvido assaltam,
Ondas que respiram uma calma celestial;
E o vento suavemente-suspirando
Cumprimenta-me com o seu bálsamo perfumado.
Espiando os caramanchões assombreados,
Frutos dourados a exibir seus encantos.
E essas flores docemente-florescendo
Nunca do frio inverno se tornam presas.

Em você interminável sol brilhante,
Oh! Que felicidade 'para se habitar!
Como a brisa em altura ali
Deve o coração com arrebatamento inchar!
No entanto, o fluxo que governa meu caminho
Verifica-me com seu olhar severo de raiva,
Enquanto suas ondas, em furor crescente,
Pesam meu espírito cansado para baixo.

Veja - a barca se aproximando,
Mas, infelizmente, o piloto não!
Entre corajosamente - medo porque?
Inspiração enche as velas
Fé e coragem faça-as tuas próprias, -
Deuses nunca emprestam uma mão amiga;
'Então por puro poder da magia
Tu podes alcançar a terra mágica!